Just in case you’re wondering?

Nope – this Wedding didn’t happen in reverse lol – it was just that Frances & Neal were incredibly lucky with stunning light for a nip down to lake Windermere; so I decided to START coverage of their beautiful Broadoaks Country House Wedding here 🙂

Being a Lancaster Wedding Photographer I now photograph Weddings more & more in & around Lancaster, but Broadoaks is still my No:1 “Home”, having shot something like 130 Weddings there now

So lets jump straight in to some photos by the lake…

Back to the STORY then…

Frances & Neal had chosen to have a smaller Wedding, something I feel Broadoaks Country House does SUPERBLY well as the whole venue gives off more of a ‘homely’ vibe

And, as luck would have it (over 70% of my Weddings in 2024 have had RAIN !!!) the weather was lovely all day too

We started off in The Retreat, giving plenty of space for everyone to get ready as well as being perfect for shooting ‘details’, such as the Dress, Shoes, Jewellery, etc. and managed to have an outdoor Wedding on the lawn

When there’s relatively few Guests it gives me an opportunity to play my ‘Shoot the Guests Game’ – where I aim to capture at least one good shot of EVERYONE attending the Wedding; and then to improve upon that with a more beautiful photos of them all, a funny one, and yep, even less flattering ones too lol

Something every Wedding Photographer at Broadoaks Country House does is shoot ‘details’ of the Wedding Breakfast; I especially like to hunt down any further ‘details’ I can find that the couple has put their efforts, or money (often both), into

This can be fancy Table Layouts, Card boxes, Place Cards, Favours and table decorations scattered anywhere in the front of house as well as the Wedding Breakfast, and here Frances had done more than most (and better than many!)

So here’s a few of the lovely details Frances (and yes – lets pretend Neal had an input too) prepared for their Wedding…


At Broadoaks Country House Wedding

Just before Frances & Neal’s Wedding Breakfast, and after a few Group photos, we had time for a wee walkabout in the grounds of Broadoaks

Again, although a smaller venue, Broadoaks is perfect for a mini Newlywed photo session as there are several ‘spots’ around the grounds that can provide great for photos at pretty much any time of the day, and (bravery needed) pretty much any weather too

We went went straight into Speeches, Dad’s was short and sweet, Neal’s longer and heartfelt, the Bestman’s though… well, lets just say asking your own Brother to be Bestman may NOT be the best idea – he has the LONGEST period of ‘dirt’ on you to share PMSL

If you’ve read this far, and you too are thinking you may need a Lake District Wedding Photographer for your Broadoaks, or indeed anywhere else, Wedding, then please feel free too Contact me HERE, and lets get the chatting & planning started 🙂


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