Being a Lake District Wedding Photographer is a truly awesome & privileged way to spend the day with both an incredibly happy couple and their friends & family, but also to do what I like doing best – taking photos and capturing memories
All Weddings are special, and all Weddings follow a similar path throughout the Wedding Day, so what makes a Wedding special, and more importantly different from every other? Put simply, the people
Hannah & Paul’s Wedding was special for me in a number of ways, not least that they, and their family & friends, were incredibly welcoming and fun to be with, but this was actually my first Wedding where we nipped down to lake Windermere at Sunset; and what a beautiful sunset it was too
For every Wedding that I BLOG I like to post not all of their Wedding photos, but a good selection thereof to really give you – the viewer – not only a taste of what their Wedding was like, but also an insight into what your own Wedding could look like
Firstly though, a few images I like to call Dave’s Faves
Dave’s Faves are photos that are perhaps special to me technically, they may be a first with a new style, technique, new lens or lighting even, but mostly they are special to me as they bring back my own memories of the great time we had, and especially I had, as any couple’s Wedding Photographer
So let’s first take a peek at some of my favourite photos from a stunning Broadoaks Country House Wedding