Lake District Wedding Photographer at Broadoaks Country House

Being a Lake District Wedding Photographer is a truly awesome & privileged way to spend the day with both an incredibly happy couple and their friends & family, but also to do what I like doing best – taking photos and capturing memories

All Weddings are special, and all Weddings follow a similar path throughout the Wedding Day, so what makes a Wedding special, and more importantly different from every other? Put simply, the people

Hannah & Paul’s Wedding was special for me in a number of ways, not least that they, and their family & friends, were incredibly welcoming and fun to be with, but this was actually my first Wedding where we nipped down to lake Windermere at Sunset; and what a beautiful sunset it was too

For every Wedding that I BLOG I like to post not all of their Wedding photos, but a good selection thereof to really give you – the viewer – not only a taste of what their Wedding was like, but also an insight into what your own Wedding could look like

Firstly though, a few images I like to call Dave’s Faves

Dave’s Faves are photos that are perhaps special to me technically, they may be a first with a new style, technique, new lens or lighting even, but mostly they are special to me as they bring back my own memories of the great time we had, and especially I had, as any couple’s Wedding Photographer

So let’s first take a peek at some of my favourite photos from a stunning Broadoaks Country House Wedding

So this selection starts off with a few B&W photos during Prep (Preparation – Prep – is what cool people call the initial part of the day where the Bride(s) change from Pyjama-Babe into Wedding-Princess). This is all about capturing fun & emotion, and often B&W is the better way to portray this as removing colour can place more emphasis on expression & emotion

Then I’ve skipped to a few of the happy couple in the grounds of Broadoaks Country House. The connection between Hannah & Paul here is obvious, what’s not so obvious is that the shot with the tiny white flowers out-of-focus in the foreground is where I’m slowly sliding down the embankment while laid on my belly!!!

Hannah romantically laid her head on Paul’s shoulder, with her eyes closed in dreamy love – actually, Hannah has a problem with bright light so for this shot I told her to shut them! Then you see her in thick sunglasses to better cope lol

And finally we have some of the set I took down by lake Windermere in out sunset photography trip. It was a little bright when we first arrived so I shot a few in the trees too on the way down to the lake

The lake shots are a combination of natural light and some with Off-Camera Flash (OCF). OCF is a way of keeping all of the fabulous background in an image, here the sunset, while also adding light to the couple in a dramatic way. Its a technique I often teach other fellow professionals too

And the final shot here is what happen when you let your couple mess about showing their true character – well, they had been good all day so why not lol

And here’s the rest of their Wedding, though I’ve taken out something like 230 photos as they are more personal to the couple; what remains is intended to give you a look at how a typical outdoor Wedding at Broadoaks Country House plays out, so you can get an insight into what your own Wedding Day may look like – please use this CONTACT ME link to get in touch for my specific Broadoaks Brochure and to discuss how best I can record & present your Wedding too – speak soon, David


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